Saturday, April 14, 2012

Zucchini Fritters

These have been a family favorite for years.  Especially when the garden starts producing more zucchini than you know what to do with.

Grate a small to medium zucchini, peel and all, into a bowl.

The rest of the ingredients:  
1 egg, onion, red pepper flakes, bread crumbs, salt & pepper.

Crack the egg into the bowl, add some red pepper flakes, 
thin onion slices, and salt & pepper.

Next, sprinkle in some bread crumbs.

Mix it all up.  Have a skillet brushed with oil, hot and ready to go.  
This mixture can't sit, you have to make the fritters right away otherwise, 
the whole mix gets runny.  Not good!

Drop by spoonfuls into the hot oil.

When the fritters are nice and brown, flip 'em over and brown the other side.  
Turn down the heat for the flip side.

When the fritters are done, drain on paper towel, sprinkle a little more salt on top. yum, Yum, YUM!

I could seriously eat these every day.  Enjoy friends!

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